The first day of the lunar year -ZOL问答
The second day of the lunar year -ZOL问答
The third day of the lunar year -ZOL问答
The fourth day of the lunar year-ZOL问答
The English expression for \"开开心心过大年\" is \"have fun at Spring Festival\".
\"开开心心过大年\"是一个中文习语,指的是在春节期间以快乐和愉悦的心情度过新年。相应地,在英语中,我们可以用\"have fun at Spring Festival\"来表达这个意思。这个表达方式可以让人感受到中国人过年时的欢乐氛围。
The English expression for \"热热闹闹迎新春欢欢喜喜过大年\" is \"The bustling new year energy-saving\".
中国新年期间,街上热闹非凡,人们迎接新春时充满了喜悦和欢快的氛围。我们可以用\"The bustling new year energy-saving\"来形容这种喜庆的场景。这个表达方式传达了中国过年时热闹和充满活力的特点。
The English expression for \"在大年初二\" is not specified -ZOL问答
The English translation for \"今天是大年三十,我们要迎接新一年的到来.今天下午,...\" is \"Today is a big year 30, we want to greet the arrival of the new year. This afternoon, the grandmother stuck to...\".
大年三十是中国农历的最后一天,也是将迎接新年到来的重要日子。在这一天的下午,人们通常会进行一系列传统的庆祝活动。在英语中,我们可以用\"Today is a big year 30, we want to greet the arrival of the new year. This afternoon, the grandmother stuck to...\"来表达这个句子的意思。这个表达方式传达了新年即将到来的喜悦和庆祝的氛围。
The English expression for \"从大年初一\" is \"From the first day of the lunar year\" -ZOL问答
根据中国的农历,春节的第一天是大年初一。为了表达这个意思,我们可以用\"From the first day of the lunar year\"这个英文表达方式。这个表达方式能够准确传达大年初一作为新年的开始的含义,并融入到英语的表达中。
The English expression for \"中国过大年习俗\" is \"China Spring Festival customs\".
中国有许多传统习俗是在春节期间庆祝新年的,我们可以用\"China Spring Festival customs\"来表达这个意思。这个表达方式传达了中国在春节期间举办各种有趣习俗的文化特点。
Winter vacation is coming. We\'re happy to welcome the holidays. Usually, winter vacation is funny because we can experience many interesting things. For example, during Spring Festival, we can reunite with our family and have fun together. We can also enjoy delicious food, such as dumplings and tangyuan. Another interesting tradition is giving and receiving red envelopes with lucky money. This brings joy and excitement to both children and adults. Overall, Spring Festival is a time of happiness, reunion, and celebration. We hope to make the most out of this special holiday.
The English translation for \"小孩小孩你别馋,过了腊八就是年,腊八粥,喝几天,哩哩啦啦二十三,二十三、糖瓜粘,二十四、扫房子,二十五、炸豆腐,二十六、炖羊肉,二十七、杀公鸡,二十八\" is \"Kids, don\'t be greedy. After Laba Festival, it\'s New Year. Laba porridge, drink for a few days. On the twenty-third, make tangyuan. On the twenty-fourth, clean the house. On the twenty-fifth, fry tofu. On the twenty-sixth, stew mutton. On the twenty-seventh, slaughter a rooster. On the twenty-eighth...\".
这句中文歌谣描述了农历腊八节之后和春节之前的各种习俗和活动。为了准确表达这个意思,我们可以用\"Kids, don\'t be greedy. After Laba Festival, it\'s New Year. Laba porridge, drink for a few days. On the twenty-third, make tangyuan. On the twenty-fourth, clean the house. On the twenty-fifth, fry tofu. On the twenty-sixth, stew mutton. On the twenty-seventh, slaughter a rooster. On the twenty-eighth...\"这个英文表达方式。这句话传达了中国过年期间的一系列庆祝活动和习俗。
The English expressions for \"大年三十\", \"拜年\", \"年夜饭\", and \"压岁钱\" are \"Spring Festival\'s Eve\", \"pay a New Year visit\", \"reunion dinner\", and \"lucky money\" respectively.
在中国,\"大年三十\"指的是农历的最后一天,\"拜年\"意味着拜访亲朋好友,\"年夜饭\"是全家团聚的盛大晚餐,而\"压岁钱\"是长辈在春节期间给小孩子的红包。为了准确表达这些意思,我们可以分别用\"Spring Festival\'s Eve\",\"pay a New Year visit\",\"reunion dinner\"和\"lucky money\"来描述这些习俗和活动。这些表达方式能够准确传达中国过年期间的重要活动和文化特点。